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Telkomnika (Telecommunication, computing, electronics and control). Jurnal

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060621.382Perpustakaan AUBTersedia

Detail Information

Judul Seri
No. Panggil
Penerbit Universitas ahmad dahlan : Yogyakarta.,
Deskripsi Fisik
hal 1113-1504.;ilus.,tab.;29cm
Content Type
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Volume 13 no 4 Desember 2015
Info Detil Spesifik
1. A polynominal based pairwise key pre distribution and node authentication protocol for wireless sensor networkks 2. Research on electromagnetic excitation resonant sensor based on microelectromechanical system 3. Research on silicon based planar spiral inductance coil based on microelectromechanical system 4. Fundamental review to ozone gas sensing using optical fibre sensors 5. FPGA implementation of low area square root calculator 6. Image encryption using simple algorihm on FPGA 7. Correlation of student's precursor emotion towards learning science interest using EEG 8. Dynamic stability improvement of multimachine power system using ANFIS based power system stabilixer 9. Power characteristics of wireless charging for sensor network in tunnels 10. Comparing permomance of eolutionary algorithms on the emission dispatch and economic dispatch problem 11. Modelling on tracking test condition of polymer nanocomposite using finite element simulation 12. Current ripple analysis of new double stator AC drive systems 13. Routing algorithm based on area division management of node in wireless sensor networks 14. Enhancement the perfomance of OFDM based multiwavelets using serial and parallael turbo codes 15. A novel approach to optimize cognitive radio network utilization using cascading technique 16. Influence of sensor nodes on the invulnerability of tree network 17. Energy efficient routing models based on vector field theory for large scale wireless sensor networks 18. Adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control for a classs of nonlinear system 19. Modeling of buck converter models in MPPT using PID and FLC 20. An automatic calibration method for near infrared camera in optical surgical navigation 21. Control system for nutrient solution of nutrient film technique using fuzzy logic 22. Image rstoration based on hybrid ant colony algorithm 23. Distinguish sea turtle and fish using sound technique in designing acoustic deterrent device 24. Image denoising based on K-means singular value decomposition 25. A neighbor finding algorithm involving the application of SNAM in Binary image representation 26. A sparse representaion image denoising method based on orthogonal matching pursuit 27. A novel image segmentation algorithm based on graph cut optimization problem 28. Recognition of emotions in video clips: the self assesment manikin validation 29. Transmission of realtime video signal with interference density and human traffic 30. Alternative tecnique reducing complexity maximum attribute relation 31. Design and implementation of network public opinion analysis system
Pernyataan Tanggungjawab

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